Sunday, May 10, 2009

Emotions -- The Spice of Life

Emotions, Emotional, Sentiments,Sentimental etc etc ... hearing these words the only thing which comes into a human mind is picturing a person who is weak, not practical, thinks from the heart and not from the head. However, lets twist the tale a bit and just imagine how our lifes would have been without these emotions.
Imagine small babies how they would express without words when they are hungry, Mom's expressing their resent in robotic voice when kids are playing in their play-ground when they should be studying. Imagine people chanting in robotic voice in the standings instead of those excitement slogans in a nail-biting 20-20 match ... There wouldn't be any romantic, hard-rock, jazz, pop, trance music .. everything would be just monologuous. It would just seem world has come to a stand-still. We get up everyday in the morning with a mixed feel of emotions in this madly driven city, thinking, if I had this, I would be happy, if it would have happened this way, it would be so relaxing . Everything has become so conditional. Even for drinking water, people think twice, if I drink from hawkers I might catch a cold if, I take this brand of bottled water, it is cheap.
Life has to be spent with ease and relaxation, thinking about tomorrow which has never arrived, we are sacrificing the precious moments of today which could have been enchanting with someone's presence or somethings which could have happened ..

What is being happy ??? Just a gesture .. I would say "No" .... Being happy makes us look at the entire world with a different perspective .. a huge flow of positivity, looking everything with an optimist approach, initiative driven by intention of making someone else happy and spreading love all over and making this world a better to live.

Today, in this fast running world, my happiness is not person dependent but I look it up in some and petty things

Small kid's playing the garden, hearing their small whispers, chuckling among themselves
making them laugh
small squirrels making rounds in the garden, pleasant flowers and greenery all around.

Helping old people and looking at that amazing smile from those wrinkles ... looks like as if sun is rising after a long dark night.

When you go to them, asking how they are feeling and they start talking as if they have known us for ages.

I always miss my grandparents, I was very dear to them and so they were to me. My grandmom used to pamper me a lot. It used to feel like a warm blanket in a cold night . She was always supportive and was very liberal and a person who always adapted to changing times and culture but, I guess God was missing her too so, he called her without realizing as to how much I would miss her.
so, whenever I meet old people .. I always see reflection of my grandparents in them. Pamper -- the word makes a guy get cold feet and a girl with butterflies in her tummy. Sometimes, even a mere touch expresses love, care and affection which even thousand words cannot do. A small peck of the cheek has a deeper impact then a long love making session.

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