Friday, November 14, 2008


Do not contact other people who have been interested in you to make yourself feel better or get involved with someone else (emotionally or sexually) right away. It is not fair to them as they may become the victim of your rebound. Allow yourself adequate time to process before jumping into a new relationship.

*Don't look for so many distractions from the pain, emptiness, or heartache that you fail to process the emotions adequately. You're supposed to grieve a lost relationship in which you'd invested yourself emotionally. Think about it - what kind of person could just say, "Whatever" and walk away as if nothing had happened? Ride it out - turning to destructive distractions like drugs, alcohol, casual sex, etc. will only make things worse, and can actually prolong the entire grieving process. If you try to hide from the pain, it just waits around the corner and jumps out at you as soon as the temporary relief of your "distraction" wears off. The best and only way to get to the other side of the sadness is to go straight through it with a clear head. Believe it or not, it's the fastest way as well. It won't be long until you do feel better.

If you were the one who got "dumped," avoid the temptation to chase after your ex, ask questions about what went wrong, and try to "fix" everything. It will only strengthen your ex's resolve to push you away, and will make the breakup much harder and more painful than it needs to be.

If your ex has done things to hurt you (other than breaking up), don't drop to that level. It's pathetic and cruel.

Although you may be tempted to take revenge, or send notification through third parties about your great success in life since the breakup - don't exert the energy. Allow things to run their course without your intervention - they have a way of working out just fine in the end.

Never contemplate suicide. You are ending a relationship - and even though it's hard to believe it, you are not ending life itself. Give yourself time to recover from the shock and sadness without entertaining thoughts of harming yourself. If you find you can't shake these thoughts after a few days, then you need to seek psychiatric help immediately.

Avoid checking up on any online social networking page (Bebo, MySpace, Facebook) to see what your ex is up to. If you think you'll be too tempted, just cut loose and quit the site. The possibility exists that you'll be checking one day and see your former squeeze with another girl/guy. There is such thing as being self-protective and avoiding unnecessary pain.
Please remember too that if it didn't work the first time and the second or third time with this person, you may just not be compatible and its better to let go and move on.

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