Sunday, May 17, 2009

How do you see yourself

The question I ask myself everyday is "How do I see myself" "Who am I"

A person who is just grinding himself in the worries of life which starts with commuting then passes to lunch, hearing from the boss and not to use your head even though you can do much better, winding up the day and preparing for catching the evening local and safely getting off from it, once that huge target is accomplished, see yourself as a true winner and reach home and looking at the food and getting upset as it is not your favourite. Mind wobbles around with thots and hunts for someone who might sit close to you, hold your hand and massage your forehead and ask you how was your day at work but, reality bites. This experience just remains an imaginary sketch whose blossoming is tough.

Am I person who studies in college ? Attend lectures 8 to 5.30 pm. If dont feel like and want to have fun with gang then will just give the lectures a miss. Is it me whose identity is dependent on popularity factor. My only goal is to study, party, have pocket money and enjoy life. My thinking is restricted to what do I aspire to be in future. The only worry I have is what will I become. Good clothes, matching shoes, bike, chicks and flicks are part n parcel of this journey.

Am I a person who is in school ? I wake up at 6 am. Go to school at 7 and come back at 1

have lunch, go to tution at 2. Return at 4 .. have tea and at 5 pm go for dance classes. return at 7 pm, do my homework and have dinner, and sleep at 11 pm

Am I new-born baby ? who gets the love, attention and pamper of everyone whoever meets me.

The effort of everyone is to keep me happy and not to get even a small tear in my eye. I get things even without asking for them. I get to cling to my mom all the time. I get my grandpa and grandmom picking me up, taking me to temples and making me learn how to walk.

I just ponder what changes across levels that the love factor gets diminished and gets replaced with only worries,tensions, depression and anxiety. People across any age group need the same amount of love, care, affection and touch which a new one in the world is given. Attention is what people crave for. Sometimes, they unintentionally keep on changing their personalities so that someone would notice them. They would do things which you would never expect them to do for the simple reason that they want you to notice them.

Learn to love people coz what you give is to what you get. Remember time is never the same for anyone .. you might not always be at the same place as you are now. Be humble, be good, be caring, be lovable and love people. Try not to hurt anyone even unintentionally.


Mihir said...

its quite well written .... tittle it stages of life ...

keep bloggin ;)

Dhimant said...

Hey Very good post.. !!!