Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Being MJ....

Hearing that MJ passed away, shook me completely. I was never a MJ fan but, when heard about the reason which triggered his death, made me feel that I could be a MJ too.

Who was Michael Jackson ?
A small kid belonging to a poor strata of the society who worked day in and day out with his family to make the ends meet. Being in the poor class of the society is a curse in itself and Jackson had one more thing to add it, his father .... who didn't make the situation easy instead worsened it .. by using his kids as a money making machines .. his harsh behavior and showing off his love now after his death makes the accusations more clear .. he wanted nothing but his fame, money and lavish lifestyle.
Fighting one's own mind battle for buying even a smallest of thing, when you have to look a price tag first and then decide whether you can afford it or not. Even if you can, thinking about sharing with your younger brothers and sisters, just makes you give away the thought. You tend to keep on compromising and one fine day, you just give up and take it as a challenge that you will earn that much that you can get anything you want and live your life as and how you want. You can get as much as happiness you want because you have Money. That acts as a motivating factor and one keeps on running after it, thats what MJ did. MJ started young, and started his career very early, as he started earning money, he did everything which he wanted to do which he couldn't. Like buying clothes, designing clothes, wearing fancy and expensive accessories, getting his own wardrobe done where he has his own pictures from different concerts, speaking of his achievements. Apart from all this, he went through numerous surgeries, he got himself a ranch which he called 'NEVERLAND'. Changing his face was the only reason to keep him always acceptable by the crowd. All he wanted was love and affection which he never got from his family but, from the huge crowd and mass. It took a lot of hardwork, paitence and devotion towards his music to get the love from the people and by no means he wanted to give that up, he always wanted that people should just love him "UNCONDITIONALLY" which they did during his Thriller days. He wanted to get that groove instigated back and he always kept on going to extremes to make sure that people loved and liked him. Why did he wear a mask and roam around on the street, why did he roam on the wheel-chair when he was unwell .. why did he still donate money when he himself was in debts, why did he always preferred to be in the lime-light ? The answer is the same .. he wanted love, affection and care which many people including me took it as a showoff, he wanted people to notice him. He wouldn't be saying out loud and crying for help that I need your support, I need your help .. See, I am a good man with a good heart and soul so, just trust me and believe in me. He continued to strive and make repeated attempts to make sure that people accepted him but, he broke down when the masses whom he loved the most, questioned him repeatedly on his sexuality, personal life, sexual affairs, molestation charges ... When people whom you love the most, they dont believe you, who do you live for then ????

Building Neverland ...
The name itself says "Neverland" which is a dream come true, a place which never exists. A place where everything is filled with Joy and happiness and who would complete it other than children and thats the reason he built a theme park, a zoo and other children attraction as he loved kids coz they are innocent, always smiling, do not judge people, always happy and being with them made him happy too, thats what signifies his picture with the children, holding his hand and walking . He had money, if he wanted he could have purchased a state, island, saved it, made whatever he wanted but, he chose to do this. Why ???? coz he was seeking love, happiness, compassion and joy ... .Feeling of loneliness was killing him ... He got stardom so early that he was always busy doing something innovative, to keep him in the market. When he saw Elvis Presley, another legendary singer passing away, he fell for his only daughter, thinking she would be able to understand him better as they co-relate. He fell for her, he found love, he thought his misery would end now, he would be smiling once again now from the heart .. but, something still kept pinching him from inside .. and thats the reason now he wanted kids to complete the family however, since the idea was not working out, they mutually ended the marriage and he decided to go with Rowe to just have kids. Once they had 2 children, they fell apart too .. Now he had reason to live for his 2 children and got their love and affection ..
However, his health now deterioated, with cancer, multiple surgeries and emotionally he was shaken too with the charges people had against him. You can fight with as many things if you have your loved ones with you to fight with you but, they only turn against you, you lose the battle. Thats what happened here, he lost it and just took to pills to keep him going, he was worried about his kid's future and hence, he wrote 200 songs which would give them security when sold. Once, he did that, he wasn't worried about anyone else, and the motto for living a life also withered away and we lost our own MJ - King of Pop whom we ourselves made an icon and we ourselves destroyed him. We always spectulated and commented on his way of style and behavior but, didn't understand that he did all to seek our attention.

I can be a MJ or there could one among you too if
you are always looking for happiness but, dont tend to find it.
you are seeking joy by buying all the materialistic things which for you was always a dream and think of it as a goal and buying it and achieving it is considered as a means to be happy
You keep on changing your physical appearence and personality to become acceptable in the crowd.
Your heart is always aching with the poison of loneliness
You always feel like talking to someone, holding hands and just feel that someone should say "I love you"
You keep on feeling that you are not important and to gain that position, you need to revamp your personality.
You stop getting sleep, being happy becomes an unachievable dream and the need to have it becomes so important, you don't even hesitate to move to pills or drugs

I dont want to be a MJ coz ...
I want love, happiness, care and affection of my loved ones
I want to be able to just stretch my hand out and I would have at least 20 people coming to hold it and hug me.
I want to just sit around with my friends and laugh on the stupidest jokes ever
I want to be acceptable to people with what I am
I do not have to say it out loud or neither my actions have to convey it that I m lonely, sad and unhappy. My friends would be there to help me anyway.
Asking for help doesn't make me look small
He was, is and will be a legendary artist, taking his place, is something which this world would never witness.
I Love him and May his soul rest in place and please forgive us all, if we, (each and everyone) have hurt him even minutely or remotely by speaking ill about him.

Remember one thing : What goes around, comes around. It is very much possible, that even we could go through a similar situation with our life. So, lets learn a lesson and promise ourselves to be better human-beings by spreading love and helping people.