Saturday, April 14, 2012

Smile !!

Smile - a five letter word and yet the emotion so strong which could make you forget day long stress, pain, anger and moreover liberate you from all the worries and sorrows.

This five letter word carries a magical streak with it. Reason I say "Magical" is because the moment someone asks for it from a 2 year old kid to the eldest, other party has to oblige and pay off their demand by giving it a billlion dollar fortune.

As it has been said - Smile Multiplies ! - wisest of the wise who put this across in words definitely had enough instances of life to get it portrayed.

I can recollect the sudden grin on my face even on the busiest days when I could see someone merely giggling, smiling or joking. Nothing in this world could match this priceless expression.

When the word Smile gets in my head - I see several portraits emerging from my head - one toothless baby giggling and smiling without any worries. The world's most innocent and amazing expression could be witnessed in this smallest of the human being. Inspite of the fact that they are early risers in the world, they still have some many hidden lessons beneath them to share and learn. Another figure I could see are the kids returning from school by swirling water bags in hand and having school bags on their shoulder and running as if they have just escaped prison of Azkaban with their partners in crime - read it Hermoine Granger and Ronald Weasley and the happiness in their voice at the highest pitch which definitely indicates a win !! With the emerging age, could see the collegians cracking jokes on the weirdest of the things and laughing it off and there's then the hustle bustle crowd of the city which is among the highest population, the bread earners of the household - to get a grin on their face is the most difficult tasks as their innocence is lost, as they have it buried deep inside in their worries and pain but, I am sure, the easiest way to get it back is to get a kid in front of them .. who with a smiling toothless face greets them and says "Have a good day !" Last but, not the least who emerges from my book of imagination is the population of the earlier generation who now find time to read newspaper, give good advices and play a companion to the youngest of the house !

Moral of the story - Smile brings happiness to the entire household, community, society and nation when such a small thing can make anyone a multi-billionaire then why not use, spread and share it !!

Sleep with a question in your head - did I smile and spread smile today ? :)

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