Thursday, May 3, 2012

Belief and Choice

Belief and Choice - two words which have completely different meaning but, a person always find himself dangling between the two.

Today, I found myself entangled in its web. My thoughts wandered in the woods of ideology and asked, "should I select the fruit of Belief or Choice ?"

Holding both the fruits in my hand, I asked myself, am I offered the fruit of choice based on my belief or Life is hinting me that is what we have to offer now.

Fruit of belief in my hand told me, "Hold on to me and I will get you what you deserve !. Paitence pays, I know I take a long time to turn things around because, I know how it feels when you have something you have been longing for". With those thoughts, I started comparing both the fruits in my hand, belief was a bigger and heavier one which was making it difficult to hold on to. Look wise too, it didn't attract me, making it easy for me to focus on the fruit of Choice.

Fruit of Choice in my other hand was lighter in weight and look wise quite attractive. Very firm in his words, he spoke out "I am the one who will never disappoint you because I will meet you at every cross road of life. I am your lifeline who keeps on following you wherever you go and whatever you do. However, I cannot offer you directions to the path it would lead to but, can guarantee a set of experiences to remember - both pleasant and unpleasant which will make an enchanting journey.

You hold on to Belief, you play safe and think that you wouldn't get hurt as there is an affirmation you get what you want but, you don't know the timeline and you don't know whether it will happen or not but, if you take the fruit of choice - you have a risk of letting it all go, get bruised, hurt, lose your inner peace or gain it all without expecting much. It has the thrill, fun and adventure along with the river of emotions which has the potential of creating inner storm of feelings which is not for the weak hearted.

Call it Gamble or search for something different. Again the choice is yours !!

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