Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dreams !

Dreams - hats off to the man who discovered the word and gave wings to the imagination power. Dream is something which a human mind can only think and feel a great sense of achievement and urge to have but, doesn't possess it. It is something which a human mind always craves for and would always think of having it.

Every living thing in this world has a dream ! A bird in a cage - a dream to explore the sky, A baby - to start walking, A human - to be loved ! This might be a controversial statement as every human wants different things in life and ranges from materialistic to emotional things. I probably might dream of just a hug or someone holding me tight and never letting me go while someone might just think about driving a ferrari someday.

But, they say that dreams have power to even make the impossible come to life and become possible. I am sure that the human sub-conscious mind can do this and can make unachieveable - achievable.

I wish my world would also look like this someday !

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