Sunday, May 13, 2012

Relationship is a Teacher !

Every relation has a meaning and its importance. It has its own significance in one's life. Mother to a child, Father to a son, Teacher to a student, Husband to a wife and Boyfriend to Girlfriend, all these relations have some values. They help us in staying healthy and understanding the perspective.

Every relation has a hidden message and lesson which one closes the eyes and hears the true message of the heart. I have learnt some lessons too but, in a hard way.

The most effective and enduring of all the lessons I have learnt - this one would be closest and always remembered in my heart - always LIVE in the moment, do things when your heart says to do it, LET IT ALL GO ! Never hold anything back ! Live your day as if it is your last day on earth !

Every relation comes to an end, sooner or later. Sometimes, because of GOD's wish and sometimes due to some of the own worldly reasons, so, do the thing at that very instance when your heart tells you too !

Never Hold Back ! 

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