Saturday, July 28, 2012

Start fresh !

In everyone's life, there is a phase where all of us say this to ourselves, lets start fresh. It is easier said than done but, not impossible. Saying this to ourselves, is the first step towards inviting the change. We have a choice either we mourn ourselves, do a self-loathing, self pity and blame every other person, situation for it or take charge and do something about it.

Like they say, everything has a meaning and a hidden message and an aim to get to you towards a better life. It is up to us to take the hit and keep on moving forward or dwell into it. Choice is ours.

There are 3 C's which one should always look for - Choice, Chance and Change.

Life always offers 2 ways, one which is practiced, preached and followed while, other one doesn't have any course defined. There is not anything in this world which can guarantee and say that we will get what we want but, it is up to us which way we want to go as it is ultimately our life and no one else is responsible but us, for whatever it is not today and what we would have liked it to be.

We are the problem and we are the solution too. We just have to look within ourselves and look for the answers. I am sure that we will find them.

When life offers you a choice, take a chance and make a change. Just be safe, trust your instincts and moreover, trust yourself.

A wise man told me that chances don't come again ! So, go ahead and grab yours before it slips out of your hands.

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