Sunday, August 19, 2012

Living !

Living - the title of my blog, today makes me revisit this word and history of why I started writing this. Maybe I used it as a channel to let it out what I wanted to say but, don't know whom to say it to. Probably with the fear of being judged, abandoned, rejected and being seen as needy and vulnerable.

All of us have been there at one point where we are sitting alone, thinking, revisiting the old memories and designing the portrait of happiness. We are looking for justification as to why it didn't last and we hope to create the same picture again. In that effort, we keep on erasing the sketch again and again, thinking that it is not what we had. With this, we are removing the possibility of creating something new which would have been more beautiful than the earlier picture.

The point I am trying to make is, there is no rule-book, manual or basic fundamentals of living life and attaining happiness. There is no receipe for having inner peace, contentment or happiness. It is we, who need to be present in the moment, look for it within ourselves and accept the way things are.

If one believes, we see the reflection of our own insecurities in others. If I am scared then I will keep on looking for reasons to live under fear and if I have insecurity of unhappiness, then I will keep on looking for reasons to find unhappiness.

If tomorrow you come across a situation where you get negative thoughts, ask yourself this question : Why am I feeling negative ? What is the maximum I will lose and if you still don't get the answer, leave it on God, as he is the almighty and he will give what is best for you. Universe works on his command and he drives  the positive energy within you. So, be optimistic and let it all go !

So, today I have a message for myself - Start living and dont think a lot cause, eventually, things will still happen the way they are supposed to.

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