Sunday, November 9, 2014

Serenity in disguise !

I wish to have peace, silence and quietness in mind. I wish to stop the mind cluttering and listen to my heart. God asks me to stay calm and composed and make the best of what I have.

There is a picture close to me which I look at when I am distressed, worried and low. I close my eyes and see myself in a black and white picture in a stadium full of people. surrounded by crowd, chanting everywhere, cheering for the team. I don't know which country, which city or sport it is. But, seems like a very interesting one. I am smiling without glasses, open hair, straightened teeth and turning around looking in front of the camera, someone very close to me is taking my picture from far and asking me to pose. How I can say this - because there is affection, love and happiness in my eyes. It feels as if picture completes me. Within moments, there are few hands which hold me and grab me in their arms as if we belong to each other. The smiles, happiness in my eyes is what I have been craving for. I wish to see that someday in real. Oh boy ! We went off track to the path of my dreams ..

I wanted to show you a scenery from my mind's eye. The blue water washing my feet, blue skies in front of my eyes, sea gulls flying through those blue skies, cold air breeze running through the water right across me. Everywhere there is peace, silence, calmness and just truth and purity in the nature. It is just me and her talking to each other, she answering all my questions, responding to me as if the mother taking the baby in her lap and pampering her. The soothing voice of the water, air and birds makes me feel serenity in disguise !

I love you nature ! I am privileged that you gave me the opportunity to meet you ! I can feel God in you and the answer to my prayers which I was waiting for !

Thank you for everything !

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