Sunday, January 18, 2015

This is me !

There was a forest with a lot of fruits and vegetables playing around and messing around. As if they belonged together as a family, as friends, as companions and true self to each other.

I saw them holding each other's hands and dancing together. Laughter was all around. Joy was in all words and truth in all areas. Honesty prevailed and they swore to be with each other in happiness and joy.

I saw myself like that smiling and happiness all around. I saw myself holding hands, walking around trees and woods. I saw myself being cuddled, held up, looked deeply inside my eyes and was told "I Love You and you are the best thing that has happened to me". I would have been over-submissive in life but, I feel now is my time. This is me. Here, I am, looking for myself. This is my life. I am living it to the fullest. There are not rights and wrongs. Anything at that particular moment, is right.

I say to every woman I know, Go Girl, Live your life !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lovely writing, very nice.