Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Is there a value to happiness?

I was on a road trip to a pilgrim destination, well known for its magical powers and providing a spiritual experience. We were to cover 500 km in a day and stand in a queue for 4-5 hours to get deity's blessings. 

On a practical note, the thought sounds exasperating and one would hope it to be tiring as well but, surprisingly, nature had its own plan to sync with ours. On our way to reach the place, I made a promise to myself to do things differently just to cherish a beautiful memory and know if I can survive without a clear plan and making choices which normally I wouldn't. 

I decided to eat at a place which served cuisines which I never had. To my astonishment, they were utter delight. 

I was fortunate to experience a road which had nature's majority of flavors - Ghats, rocky mountains, dark clouds, lightning,fog, trees, country men, solace, quietness and all this made me experience the one thing which my posh apartment overlooking the highway and city's one of the most happening places couldn't give me - Clarity. I was happy to find it within me. As the famous authors and stalwarts of Spirituality preach, whatever you need is all within you.

Reaching there with the country side view, standing in a queue for 4 hours felt like it just disappeared within moments. I wasn't tired, bored or even thought to quit cos I was at peace. I knew that life was with me, it felt well-paced and as if every second was moving with me. 

The whole experience - drive, food, place, silence and solitude made me realize that I was indeed happy and I could never quantify it. I realized majority of the things which make us happy are free in this world like a kid's smile, bird's chirping, squirrel's eating, planting trees. Our happiness is not associated with the materialistic things like buying a car, house, having a relationship, getting married, better pay, new job etc etc.  but, we mistake it to be cos the world is doing it so, there would be something right about it. Trust me, you have to write your own story with your own words and be your own author. At the end of the day, it is us who we are answerable to. We think that there is always something outside of us which we think gives a whole new meaning to our life but, that ain't true.

Our meaning to life and happiness is defined by us, our attitude, values, discipline and our own learning quotient.We live everyday and if we have lived that day in true justice, we are happy ! 

I can't put a value to happiness cos, it is priceless and it makes my life worth living every moment with the hope that there are many more to come ! :) 

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