Friday, September 7, 2012

I am human !

Sometimes, I used to feel that I am the only person who is over-sensitive, reactive and who holds on to things rather than letting it go and live with regret but, today, I just saw someone exactly like me.

Someone who is sensitive about a lost opportunity, running around by the day to day activities and trying to get something exciting out of it, the one who longs for someone to hold her hand and say, "Everything is going to be alright and I love you for who you are and how you have lived your life.

Being alone or being in a relationship doesn't define how you feel about yourself. One can still feel alone while being with someone and sometimes, feel complete being alone too. Point is how one would like to feel . If I have to choose between the two, I would pick being alone. If being with someone still makes me feel aloof, alone then it is not the relationship I am longing for or looking for. A relationship where there is encouragement, love, friendship, understanding, differences, respect and acceptance gives it a stability and a edge as to why one must stay in it and reason as to why is it complete.

Today, I realized that everyone cries over the lost opportunity, regrets about the choices they made, suffocates inside to please and manage the expectation of someone else and this is how they manage their life which I term it as Human Behavior. Since I relate, exhibit, same kind of pattern in some way or the other in my life, I would like to say " I am human !"

I just realized that we have always been in contradiction with life, when we are free, we want to be tied down and when we are tied, we want to be free.

It has always been a challenge with humans, to go with the flow of life and I am no exception. We have trouble with whatever life has to offer and accept what comes our way. We keep on looking till the time we are satisfied but, in true sense, do we ever get satisfied ?

I got a hidden message today, let life surprise you and it will definitely ! You never know what would strike tomorrow but, be prepared !

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