Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Life .. full of Opportunities !

One day before the valentine's day, it occured to me that I used to write. As silly as the thought might seem but, it wasn't. I just realized that I got engrossed and carried away in the waves of routine which lacked imagination, creativity, joy, happiness and above all life. I felt I just got stuck in one place without movement and was still. No wonder, I felt empty from inside.

It occured to me that in the past few months, I just stopped living, stopped smiling, laughing and gaining happiness from the small things in life. How can one define life ? I would just spread out my arms open in air and yell out aloud "I am ALIVE"  thats what living is to me. I breathe, I feel, I love, feel loved, help as much as I can and bring out a smile in someone's face, serves my purpose of life. 

I want to live in the moment and make the best of today rather than worrying about how it would be tomorrow and prepare for it coz no matter how much ever wealth I accumlate, I would still need the basic things in life which I have today so, let me celebrate it !

With this, wishing everyone a very Happy Valentine's day ! Celebrate today with the ones you have in your life and are important !

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