Thursday, February 28, 2013

Being a Giver !

Being a Taker is easy and all of us have been there in some part of our life however, being a giver takes a lot of work and one needs to be really full of life and realize the depth which comes with its association.

Giving away small things, just to see a smile on someone's face, to make a brighter day for someone really takes a lot of efforts. Seeing someone smile just takes away all the pain and stress from the body and gives a divine feeling which can never be compensated.

Introspection is the word I will use or self-analysis to identify and connect with myself and I realized that "I AM A GIVER ! "

I didn't realize whether I should look up to the skies and thank God, or work on turning it around but, I am in love with the attribute of giving and it makes my personality ENFJ as per the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator, most famously known as "MBTI". Like the curiousity keeps on going, I researched and found that Givers make this world a better place, connect with humanity and preach Solace. They thrive or rather survive on smile, happiness, good deeds, making someone's day, listening to someone's problems, helping and understanding the man-kind. Givers have the idea that they are in this world for some reason and not just exist and stay.

Givers are completely people's person and emphatetic towards everyone's plight. Hence, whenever it comes to making decisions, they will always put people's interest first and go on the self-sacrificial mode if need be to let them accomplish what they are meant to. Givers are supportive, encouraging, analytical and always there when you need them.

The one major thing which got me thinking and in the self-analysis mode is that I got so used to giving, loving, caring and understanding others that when, it came to receiving love, affection and being treated
nicely, I viewed at it in the questioning mode whether I have really earned it and is it for real ?

Questioning the love, appreciation, affection coming towards you, kills it and cuts the path which would be leading them to you so, accept it with open arms coz everyone deserves it and learn the acceptance.

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