Saturday, September 1, 2012

To love or not to love !

When it comes to love, should one stick to the practicality aspect of life or follow his heart and do things which it tells it to do. No one else can say whether a love is real or not. It is just oneself who would experience it, can vouch and speak for it.

In this fast paced world, is it good to expose one's vulnerable side and admit that they are in love and be termed as emotional fools or go with the flow approach and mention when you feel that the time is right. Should one not say whether they are in love to the other person with the fear of losing their loved one and loosing an opportunity of being close to them even if it means being "Just Friends !" or letting them go and see them happy with someone else but, to avoid feeling the pain, just cut ourselves from them.

I am sure that every person in their life has faced this challenge but, when it comes to help anyone or give advice to someone, they always lie and they tell them exactly to do those things what they have not done. I know, thats the irony of life.

However, the point remains, everyone still wakes up with the thought of someone special in their mind and go to bed with that same person's thought. Some are lucky to have them sleeping right next to them. While some are in bed with the thoughts what would life be if they would have that special someone right next to them and rest of them, have someone else in their arms and just say to themselves, in next life you would be mine !

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