Monday, March 11, 2013

Road to Success !

On my way returning home, while I was walking, I had a question in my mind which I never looked at with an open mind. I always saw the things happening the way I wanted them to be but, unfortunately, everytime with a negativity.

As the nature says, "What you see is what you get". I was getting the same results what I had in mind then I realized that I always get the strong urge to judge others. I start analyzing and make them behave them in a certain way and most of the times, these things didn't even exist.

This is the major hinderance in my way of living in the moment as I create situations which don't even exist and makes me feel short of love and makes me block the way of love which ideally should be in my life.

I should accept the things the way they are rather than creating the mental image of an illusionary movie which is scary and haunted than any horror movie. I should train my mind to rather paint the image of a beautiful landscape which is in true sense like a romantic movie.

Life can be as one wants it to be, happy, delightful and joyous with the minimum of things and sometimes can be sorrowful, lonely and dark even with the best of the things available.

I choose my life to be happy, delightful and joyous and let the things happen like a romantic movie

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