Sunday, February 16, 2014

My Life

Wow ! It took me a while to get again to the writing mode. I would like to share a recent experience with everyone where I met one of my school friend and we were discussing about our life on how it has changed, what are the things we dislike and how being women there are lot of expectations from us but, very little we get in return. She was talking about her life and I could relate to it as I found it a lot similar to me. I am a person who is a biggest critic for herself and would downplay but, yesterday I felt proud and brave. I suddenly felt like giving a bravery award to me. You may ask "Why?" Good Question ! I believe in one fundamental in life - You should be happy with what you have, what you do and how you live your life. It should be your rules and your agenda as you are answerable to you and what one feels is right, is always right. If not, then do something to make it how you would like it to be. Still after numerous attempts, it is not how you like to be then learn to accept and live with it. Just, don't be angry, frustrated or complain ! 2 years back, after much introspection and with utmost faith and belief in me, I took a painful decision of walking out of a life which didn't appeal to me and where I started disrespecting myself. I stood up and did everything on my own.I turned it into something where I see myself as a "Rockstar!" My friend was narrating about the incidents of their married life and how it is imperfect. She discussed about our other friends and how they were in a messed situation and living with it. At that moment, a thought struck me, how we always say the right things, give advises and tell everyone to define a healthy boundary in their life in order to do justice, be honest and happy with themselves but, when the same situation come to us, why do we back out and behave the same way as the world does. Isn't everything in the world related to what makes us smile and keeps us happy then why aren't we taught by our parents to be selfish about it .. I am feeling proud to say that I did what my heart said was right and stuck it out.

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