Friday, March 8, 2013

Turning the world around !

I get up one day in the morning, strangely, with the thought in my head if everyone has a choice to think and choose between positive and negative things why is there always the attraction towards a negative thing first.

The analytical aura that I have within me that keeps me restless till the time I don't find the answers, makes me wonder, what keeps everyone from being optimistic.

Is it just the wired in part due to environmental factors, peer pressure and our own judgements about ourselves that stop us from accomplishing what we can.

I see myself tied in chains in my legs created by my own mind and holding me back from enjoying life and seeking self-assurance from others about my existence. I am not an expert on life, don't know the rights and wrongs but, believe in committing mistakes, learning from them and moving on.
That's how living is done. Today on the occasion of Woman's day, I decide to break myself from the chains of my mind and move forward with an optimist thought that I am going to enjoy each and every moment life gives me and live it to the fullest and be happy.

That's nothing that a positive mind cannot accomplish and that's the thought I have set out to prove to myself.

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